Fee Schedule
- $750.00 per unit & $50.00 per parking space plus $100.00 for
reprographics - $100.00 per unit for amendment changes after final issue of documents
Scope of Work
- Measuring all of the existing spatial layout of all levels of the building
- Provide master deed plan/s as reviewed & approved by the attorney
& Client, final document to be (1) set 24×36 Mylar & (2) sets on bond - Provide unit deed plan/s for all units, final document to be 8.5×11 bond
- Provide stamp and all certifications as required and as per the
attorney’s request - Make modifications as per attorney’s requirements
- Retainer: $2,000.00 or payment in full for less that four units, due prior
to start of work or at time of measurement - Measurements will only be taken after payment of retainer
- No stamped condo plans will be released prior to full payment of fee
- Payment in full no later than 3 months after date of first issue of
review plans - If payment is not received after 3 months after date of first issue of
review plans submitted to the Client, then finance charges of 1.5%
per month will be added to the unpaid portion of the invoice, and all
collection efforts will be paid by the Client.
Time Schedule
- (2) days per unit from date of first measurement
Not Included
- Architectural Services
- Variance application & preparation
- Engineering Services or Coordination
- Marketing Plans (additional $100.00 per unit if requested)
- Land Surveying