Site Analysis
Vehicles: access, flow, location
Pedestrian: to building, around building
Topography: shape, orientation
Views: impressions, site lines
Weather: energy, shading, winds
Amenities: plazas, courtyards, parklands
Vehicles: access, flow, location
Pedestrian: to building, around building
Topography: shape, orientation
Views: impressions, site lines
Weather: energy, shading, winds
Amenities: plazas, courtyards, parklands
Proper siting of a building can make that building be more effective and efficient. Understanding the natural topography, lot shape, orientation, directions weather and views from and towards the site become important when marrying a building to the land. Once a building location is set the flow of movement through and around a site can play a role on how that building can be designed and has far reaching impacts on the internal working of any building. The location and form of site improvements can create positive impressions even before anyone ever enters the building.